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Adopted by Community Polling on 3 May 2022

Purpose of this Document

This document is intended as an exposition of shared values at the heart of the 0L Network Community. The principles espoused herein are provided as a framework for decisions at a macro level and have been drafted to inform the decision process and provide a foundation to facilitate consistent and rational decision-making. This Constitution should be treated as a living document that is extensible – within the framework of our core values – as the community grows.

Our Core Values

From our genesis, we have avoided the creation of an insider class (like a foundation, a protocol team, or venture capital investors) that might lead us down the path toward plutocracy. By creating an egalitarian community we hope to give the power of this blockchain to those that might do good for both our community and the wider world. We, as a community, seek to empower visionary entrepreneurs who hope to harness our chain to address problems at the intersection of information, economics and social coordination. To that end, we have adopted the following core values, which will serve as the underpinnings for critical decisions and our long term roadmap: 

1. Merit: We are a community of do-ers who believe that those who serve our community and its vision should be rewarded & given a voice in shaping our community’s future. 

2. Equity: We are a democratic community that values fairness. We welcome all and actively seek to avoid descending into plutocracy.

3. Diversity: We strive to build an inclusive and diverse set of stakeholders, as we recognize that a diverse community is a resilient community.

4. Network Integrity: We take the state and security of the network seriously and will not lightly take actions that impair or threaten them.

5. Decentralization: The project should always strive towards decentralization.

6. Permissionless: We will strive to keep the network and the community open to all.

7. Do Good: We believe that generating positive social impact is everyone’s responsibility and we pledge a portion of this community’s output to furthering social good and humanitarian relief.

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