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Txs - Generate Transaction


Generates a transaction to execute an Entry function on the 0L Network. This command is used to create transactions that call Entry functions of smart contracts deployed on-chain, facilitating direct interaction with public smart contract code.

Generate-Transaction Command

  • Function: Creates a transaction for interacting with public smart contract functions on the 0L Network.
  • Syntax: libra txs generate-transaction --function-id <FUNCTION_ID> [OPTIONS]
  • Parameters:
    • --function-id <FUNCTION_ID>: The fully qualified identifier of the smart contract function to be invoked. This identifier includes the module address, module name, and function name.
  • Example:
    libra txs generate-transaction --function-id 0xd1281de242839fc939745996882c5fc2::message::set_message --args '42'
    This command generates a transaction to invoke the set_message function within the message module located at address 0xd1281de242839fc939745996882c5fc2, passing '42' as the argument.