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VFN Setup

VFN Setup

Note: We strongly suggest that all validators also run a VFN, which is a node that serves as crucial counterpart to completing the design of our network. The VFN is how the public network is able to reach the validator, which should not be done directly.


The following ports must be open: 6181, 6182, 8080.

  • 6181 is for the private validator fullnode network ("VFN"), it should only allow traffic from the Validator node IP address above.
  • 6182 is for the the PUBLIC fullnode network. This is how the public nodes that will be serving JSON-RPC on the network will receive data and submit transactions to the network.
  • 8080 is the RPC port and we suggest VFNs and public fullnodes to serve this port by default for operability.


Previous clones and testnets leave data in the .libra directory, clean those up by removing these directories

rm -rf ~/libra-framework
rm -rf ~/.libra/data && rm -rf ~/.libra/genesis && rm -rf ~/.libra/secure-data.json
rm -f /usr/bin/libra && rm -rf /usr/local/bin/libra && rm -f ~/.cargo/bin/libra

Clone libra-framework and build

cd ~
git clone

cd ~/libra-framework
bash ./util/ -bt
. ~/.bashrc

cd ~/libra-framework
cargo build --release -p libra -p diem-db-tool -p diem

Make sure your path to libra is global and persistent

sudo cp -f ~/libra-framework/target/release/libra* ~/.cargo/bin/

VFN initialization

Initialize ~/.libra config directory

libra config init

Grab the genesis blob and waypoint (creates fullnode.yaml not used here)

libra config fullnode-init

Until a patch is published to pull correctly from the epoch-archive-mainnet repo, the genesis.blob and waypoint.txt will be wrong if you are using libra config fullnode-init. In order to fix this, after you have run the above command, please run:

  • wget -O ~/.libra/genesis/genesis.blob
  • wget -O ~/.libra/genesis/waypoint.txt

Set your client libra.yaml with the rpc-load-balancer upstream node

libra config fix --force-url

If you notice problems getting transactions through, or when the RPC Load Balancer is down, you can adjust the url to "http://localhost:8080/" in ~/.libra/libra.yaml

Configure your VFN using the validator config tool

libra config validator-init --vfn

Due to a bug currently in libra config validator-init, please run this command again without the --vfn parameter

The VFN config will then be automatically created here

cat ~/.libra/vfn.yaml

This is what your VFN full_node_networks section should look like:

- network_id:
private: 'vfn'
discovery_method: 'onchain'
listen_address: '/ip4/'
- '/ip4/<validator_ip>/tcp/6181/noise-ik/<0x_your_validator_publickey>/handshake/0'
role: 'Validator'
- network_id: 'public'
discovery_method: 'onchain'
listen_address: '/ip4/'
type: 'from_file'
path: '/home/<your_user>/.libra/validator-full-node-identity.yaml'

Note: Your VFN will use your validator as an upstream without an identity, while the public network will use the identity file.

Issue the On-Chain Configuration

From your VFN, take note of the public IPv4 address


Take note of your full_node_network_public_key

grep full_node_network_public_key ~/.libra/public-keys.yaml

# example: full_node_network_public_key: "0x_full_node_network_public_key"

On both machines, the config in operator.yaml should be complete with separate Validator and VFN keys and IPs

validator_network_public_key: "0xthiswasalreadysetpublickey"
host: <validator_ip>
port: 6180
full_node_network_public_key: "0x_full_node_network_public_key"
host: <vfn_ip>
port: 6182

On your Validator, update the on-chain config for the VN/VFN (do this just once)

libra txs validator update

Enter your 0L mnemonic:
transaction success ··········································· ✓

Wait (up until one epoch) and then check the on-chain values to confirm

libra query val-config 0xabc4321yourvalidatoraccount | jq

Run the VFN

In a tmux, run the following command: libra node --config-path ~/.libra/vfn.yaml