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Throughout the codebase, there are many public methods with the #[view] attribute. These methods are meant to retrieve various states and network values that are not related to a specific account (or at least not nessecerily).

The query view command allows you to invoke those methods from the command line, including the passing of required params when needed.


libra query view [OPTIONS] --function-id <FUNCTION_ID>

-f, --function-id <FUNCTION_ID> Function identifier has the form <ADDRESS>::<MODULE_ID>::<FUNCTION_NAME>


-t, --type-args <TYPE_ARGS> Type arguments separated by commas

'u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, bool, address, vector<u8>, signer'

-a, --args <ARGS> Function arguments separated by commas

'0x1, true, 12, 24_u8, x"123456"'

-h, --help Print help


View invocation format

Note that the examples are querying the canonical system resource at 0x1, however, other view methods can be queried in the same way, following the RESOURCE_ADDRESS::MODULE_NAME::FUNCTION_NAME pattern

# Get the total suppply of the GAS coin
# This will call the method with the following signature
# #[view]
# public fun supply<CoinType>(): Option<u128> acquires CoinInfo {...}

libra query view --function-id 0x1::gas_coin::supply

"body": [
# Get validators votes for network upgrade proposal #2. First `Yes` vote count, then `No` vote count

# This will call the method with the following signature (note the expected `proposal_id` argument that is passed with the --args flag)
# #[view]
# public fun get_votes(proposal_id: u64) {...}

libra query view --function-id 0x1::diem_governance::get_votes --args 2

"body": [
# Get the list of validators that vouched for an account

# This will call the method with the following signature (note the expected `proposal_id` argument that is passed with the --args flag)
# #[view]
# public fun all_vouchers(val: address): vector<address> acquires MyVouches {...}

libra query view --function-id 0x1::vouch::all_vouchers --args 0xd1281de242839fc939745996882c5fc2

"body": [