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Using the Testnet


  1. The API endpoint for the testnet is
  2. The Chain ID of the testnet is 2, on the command line you may export MODE_0L=testnet for the tools to pick up this change.
  3. Every week a testnet will be restarted with a clean genesis.

Getting coins to an account

Testnet does not use a faucet (it uses only production code).

You can use Alice's address to test, or to create new accounts:




talent sunset lizard pill fame nuclear spy noodle basket okay critic grow sleep legend hurry pitch blanket clerk impose rough degree sock insane purse

Using open-libra-sdk for typescript

Simply construct the Libra class with the network testnet, and the URL above.

// Just use a client:
const l = new Libra(Network.TESTNET, "")

// Restoring a wallet:
const wallet = new LibraWallet("talent sunset lizard pill fame nuclear spy noodle basket okay critic grow sleep legend hurry pitch blanket clerk impose rough degree sock insane purse", Network.TESTNET, "").

Using libra-cli client

This assumes you have build the Rust libra tool from source.

When you are initially configuring the cli client you may want to generate a config file for the testnet. You may also add an additional profile to the config (such that you have the mainnet and testnet configs).

libra config --chain-name testnet --profile my-testnet init

Starting a new testnet

The libra-cli tool includes a command which generates some pre-set accounts for a three or four node validator set. Each of the nodes will use default addresses

libra ops genesis testnet --me alice


A testnet in a bottle exists for development purposes. See the docker compose file here: