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Genesis Transaction Instructions



  1. You'll need an empty repo to be the "coordination" repo for all node registration data. See for example

1a. You can copy the layout.yaml file. Later you will edit this file with the list of users participating in genesis.

  1. Configure the nodes

2a. Nodes will need to have a number of tools installed in order to compile. This script might work for your distro

# targeting ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git tmux jq build-essential cmake clang llvm libgmp-dev pkg-config libssl-dev lld

curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable -y
  1. checkout and build v7-genesis

You'll want to do "release" builds of everything. Grab a cup.

Pro tip: double check your system installs. If you missed any of the system installs above, you'll be waiting a long time to find out.

git clone [email protected]:0o-de-lally/libra-v7.git
cd libra-v7
git checkout release-0.6.9

cargo build --release -p libra -p libra-genesis-tools
  1. Get your Github app api token

4a. Follow the github instructions:

You'll want to choose the repo permissions setting.

4b You'll need a directory at $HOME/.libra. Place your github api token in github_token.txt under that directory.

  1. Do the genesis ceremony. You'll use the wizard for both configuring, registering, and building the genesis transaction.

You'll input the name of the github repo (--org-github and --name-github ) being used to coordinate.

./target/release/libra-genesis-tools  --org-github <ORG_GITHUB> --name-github <NAME_GITHUB> register
  1. Coordinator: merge pull requests.

The owner of the coordinator repo should merge the pull requests the registrants made to the repo.

  1. Run the genesis transaction builder with libra-genesis-tools genesis

You'll use the same github arguments as above plus two more. You'll be using a local copy of the move framework (--local-framework). Last, you'll tell the wizard which DB backup file to use to migrate state from the previous network (--json-legacy).

For the legacy JSON you can use the test example: tools/genesis/tests/fixtures/sample_export_recovery.json

./target/release/libra-genesis-tools  --org-github <ORG_GITHUB> --name-github <NAME_GITHUB> --local-framework --json-legacy <PATH_TO_JSON> genesis
  1. Check your files You should have a genesis/genesis.blob file now in $HOME/libra plus a validator.yaml.

  2. Start your node!

libra node --config-path ~/.libra/validator.yaml


  1. I made changes to a .move file

You'll need to rebuild the framework and its generated code.

cd framework/
cargo r --release release
# yes two releases in there.